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The Wholly Trinity

Learn About the Basic Building Blocks of Web Development


HTML5 Markup

HTML is a markup language that is used for structuring and presenting the content on a web page. It enables the end user to view the web page the way the page's author intended in a web browser and/or some other device. Without HTML, web development is NOT possible.


CSS3 Styling

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a computer language that is used to write instructions on how to style HTML content. These style instructions tell a web browser how the web page content should 'look'— in terms of: layout. position, alignment, width, height, etc.


JavaScript Behavior

JavaScript is a computer scripting language that is used to develop and maintain dynamic and interactive web pages. JavaScript enhances a user's web browsing experience with design improvements, form validation, browser detection, the creation of browser cookies, and much more.